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The lifestyle and wellness industry has gained a lot of attention since the start of COVID-19, with yoga studio marketing becoming the need of the hour for yoga business owners.

But sadly, the typical yoga studio owners still find it difficult to catch up with the pace of the marketing world and are stuck with many questions around how they can market their yoga studio better.

While marketing can be difficult for yoga studio owners, this guide will explain how to enhance and improve the performance of any studio.

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Here’s a List That Covers All The Major Aspects Of Marketing For Yoga Studios

There are many ways that you can market a yoga studio. Each one of these methods carries extreme importance on its own. Yoga studio marketing has an endless scope if it’s tackled with patience and dexterity.

1. Traditional Marketing

While most yoga teachers out there engage themselves in fancy marketing techniques, they miss out on one key technique of marketing: word of mouth.

Any person is more enticed to buy a product or service when recommended on a personal level. Word of mouth takes the business a long way and is still the most basic and effective form of marketing.

Businesses like Zara and GoPro spend peanuts on marketing, yet they’re one of the biggest in their respective industries. It all comes down to targeting your product or service well.

A few marketing tips that can escalate the growth of your yoga studio are mentioned below:

▪ Focus on the customer’s experience.

Your biggest marketing tool is the experience of your class. Make sure your yoga studio isn’t just a place for learning but gives people an experience to remember and cherish.

Implementing new yoga trends like Aerial Yoga, Chair Yoga and others could be a great idea. Millennials have a preference for the latest trends.

Set unique pricing that stands out.

First of all, this does not mean that you should offer your services at criminally low prices. Unique pricing simply means setting a rational price concerning the services, area, timings, and other variables that you’re offering.

Identifying your target and understanding the audience will play a crucial part in defining the pricing of your offering.

Offer free trials.

Free trials work the best as the conversion rate of demo classes is phenomenally high.

Giving multiple free trials in the very beginning can also help you to present an occupied studio.

Most of us have fallen for Netflix’s one-month free trial strategy, simply because their product feels worth the price after experiencing it.

Raise awareness about a cause.

You can effectively marketing of your yoga studio by standing up for the simplest of causes.

Proctor and Gamble stepped up with #distancedance to promote the practice of social distancing during the ongoing pandemic. This campaign garnered 8 billion views!

Emphasize your business’s brand.

A business can never be marketed effectively, whereas a brand has endless possibilities to be marketed effectively.

Give your yoga studio a name and an identity. Defining brand guidelines is the first step toward effective marketing.

2. Build Communities

Community building is perhaps one of the most effective, yet neglected techniques of marketing.

Traditional ways to reach out to people by printing pamphlets and dropping off letters in mailboxes are still very effective ways of marketing.

Community building has endless potential. Some of the techniques to build a thriving community are explained further.

Hold meet-up groups.

Exclusivity is one of the things that makes us all feel special. From a customer’s perspective, getting to be a part of an exclusive community meet-up makes them feel special.

An opening day party or a monthly informal meet-up could take your community a long way.

Focus on partnerships and collaborations.

Based on your target audience, you can collaborate with other businesses or brands by offering them a win-win situation.

In case your target audience is strictly married women, you could collaborate with housing societies in the neighborhood; if you’re targeting kids, reaching out to schools is a good idea. Similarly, you can explore more possibilities if you’re more focused on what you are offering than what you’ll be receiving.

Be conscious of the location of your studio.

If you rent a busy commercial space in the heart of your town, chances are that you might be able to build a strong, well-paying clientele.

If you rent a space in a remote area or in a commercial complex’s basement, the chances of a thriving community would be slim.

Be very careful when you rent a space, as it is the heart of your Yoga Studio.

Offer long-term packages.

To make sure that the customers stay and feel more invested in your services, giving attractive long-term packages could take you a long way.

A customer won’t exactly feel like they belong to a place where they make weekly payments, but long-term commitments give customers a feeling of belongingness and also increase trust with your clientele.

3. Yoga Studio Social Media Marketing

Your yoga studio’s social media marketing campaign should be simple and manageable.

Your yoga studio’s social media marketing can take your business where you want it to go if you’re smart with it.

Traditional methods are no longer enough in the current digital era. Yoga studio social media marketing could be an ambitious as well as a very promising idea.

Here are a few things that you should take care of.

Develop a strong online presence.

In today’s age, where education and even healthcare are being taken care of online, building a website is the first thing that you should do for your yoga studio.

No longer do users open websites solely on desktop computers, but now most of the local searches take place through mobile devices alone.

Some of the pages that you should include on your website are a homepage, about us, testimonials, blogs, and a page for your services.

Building a perfect website with perfect search engine optimization can be an overwhelming task. You can always pay a professional to do the task or you can use website builders like WordPress and Wix.

These websites have a limited scope but can give a huge head start to social media marketing for your yoga studio.

Content and design for yoga studio marketing.

Many digital marketers place their focus on content marketing because it is critical in social media marketing. Through content and social media marketing, you can build your brand and a sense of trust with potential customers.

Not every visitor is attracted by the same kind of content. You need to be very versatile and dynamic with the kind of content you produce.

You can include the following in your content:

  • Blogs
  • Memes
  • Videos
  • Reels or Videos
  • Podcasts (Gaining popularity by the second)
  • Polls
  • Newsletters
  • Quizzes
  • Images
  • Gifs

In the past couple of years, video content has gained massive popularity, 50 times more likely than text content.

However, when you do post text content, as people are shifting towards in-depth knowledge, make sure your blogs are a long yet amazing read.

About design, keep the content you post as minimalistic as you can, as minimalistic yet informative designs are the taste of today.

As a beginner, you can use software like Canva, Adobe Spark, Animaker, and others to kick start your design goals without knowledge.

If you’re having a difficult time figuring out what to post for your yoga studio, automated social media marketing can produce content related to health, wellness, and your yoga studio directly onto all of your social media accounts.

Social media marketing is the final piece of the puzzle.

The entire world has shifted to social media. Social media has become a powerhouse for advertising and marketing, only because it is extremely easy to access.

Through social media marketing, you’re literally sending your ads into people’s pockets, no matter where they are.

You need to be very active and engaging on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, as they have become hubs of many small businesses.

Almost 80% of small businesses have used social media for marketing through Instagram and Facebook, whereas almost 97% of social media advertisers find Facebook to be the most effective platform.

For yoga studio marketing, Twitter is another market that can be tapped since it is the hub for microblogging.

Social media has taken the whole marketing industry by storm, for more than half of people use social media before buying a product, and over 70% say that they have bought products through social media referrals

You can use tools like Practina and many others to kickstart your yoga studio’s social media marketing.

Search Engine Marketing

A huge chunk of people will come across your yoga business through your website. The way to reach websites is through search engines, and while Google is the most popular and quite heavily favored, Bing and Yahoo also entertain a large number of visitors.

The hard but effective way to do search engine marketing is by proper SEO, using the right keywords to make sure that your website appears on top of search hits, and optimizing your website for better rankings.

The easiest way is through Google Adwords to appear on top of search results.

As Google entertains billions of searches every single day, appearing on top of Google searches could take you a long way.

If ads for Google seem challenging, you could take advantage of Practina’s Smart Ads, which simplifies the ad creation process to a few simple steps.

4. Keep Experimenting

Trends on the internet change by the day. You need to be very quick and dynamic with your strategy to be on top of the internet.

Keeping an eye on the Google search algorithm and changing your content accordingly could be a useful tool. Also, making your site more interactive and smooth (following in the footsteps of Gen-Z) could take you a long way.

While distributing pamphlets, you can also print your website’s QR Code for people to interact with. You can also design pamphlets by yourself with software like Canva making things easier for us.

Marketing your yoga studio on Instagram through reels could also be very effective, but you have to be very fast and dynamic with your content.

Exploring and experimenting help you evolve as a business.

The Final Note

Yoga studio marketing offers a lot of potentials if the market is tapped correctly.

This avenue is so vast that people from different backgrounds can use their flair on marketing platforms to get different, yet exciting rewards.

Patience, dexterity, a dynamic mindset, and the attitude of never giving up are the key.

Ready to take your yoga studio’s social media marketing to the next level?

Visit Practina today to see how it can bring more clientele to your yoga studio.

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