A chiropractor’s guide on how to use social media marketing to reach more customers, increase brand awareness, drive business growth, and more.
Social media marketing offers countless growth opportunities to businesses in any industry. If your chiropractic practice isn’t utilizing its social media networks to grow, you’re missing out on all the fun and amazing benefits that come with effective social media marketing!
But is it actually possible to thrive using a marketing tactic that is already being used by thousands of brands? Absolutely, that’s why social media marketing is such a popular option.
For your chiropractic practice, consider using social media as a line of communication and a way to share stories with your patients. The key to mastering social media marketing is to establish a connection between yourself and your audience that encourages building and maintaining, strong relationships.
As a chiropractor, social media will be your best tool in allowing your patients to learn more about yourself, as well as your practice. Many businesses fail to establish relationships with their patients, which ultimately leads to your following becoming less and less interested in what you have to share. People are more likely to pay for a service, especially one that affects their day-to-day when they have an established connection with the service provider.
If your practice only uses social media to push obvious sales tactics, onlookers will feel like you only care for their money, which will turn many potential patients away. Instead of simply telling your followers to purchase something, explain the benefits as to why you personally recommend that item or service. Adding personal touches to your social media aids in making your posts seem less like an advertisement and more of a suggestion from a trusted healthcare professional.
Using Visuals For Chiropractic Social Media Marketing – Let Videos Do The Talking
93% of marketers state they have acquired new customers because of a video on social media!
Visuals have always been important in marketing, and social media is no different. Videos have become a popular option for many healthcare professionals who want to explain procedures that their patients may have questions on through their social media pages. Consider using videos as a way to let your patients know what they can expect from their next visit, or to explain your favorite remedies for issues they may often come to you for.
A proven way to make an effective video for your chiropractic social media is to provide answers to commonly searched questions in a way that displays your expertise. Consider some of the following examples: “5 Key Benefits of Chiropractic Care” or “3 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Back Pain.” Videos like these focus more on the interests of your patients rather than directly asking them to give you money for your services. This will cause your audience to look towards you for all their chiropractic questions, and ultimately your services as well.
Tutorial-like videos have also been shown to perform well. The reason is the same. By not directly selling them anything and instead of providing them with useful information, they will come to trust and turn towards you for all their chiropractic needs. This allows you to build a relationship with your patients. Moreover, when you keep creating relevant videos, you create a backlog of content new patients can spend time viewing.
Apart from videos, you can also create customized posts that your patients can relate to that also promote your practice. For this, you don’t need a pricey set of social media marketing tools, or to hire new employees — services like Practina are enough! The intelligent tool automatically creates, schedules, and publishes tailored posts to all your social media networks.
Using Facebook For Chiropractor Social Media Marketing
Facebook has 2.7 billion active users a month, which is why 92 percent of social marketers consider it ideal for advertising. A report also revealed that in the second quarter of 2019, Facebook enjoyed 16.62 billion in advertising revenue! Why should your practice use Facebook? The numbers speak for themselves.
Because Facebook is such a popular social site, it should be easy to advertise your chiropractic practice and get loads of new patients, right? Well, the process isn’t that simple, and many practices struggle to figure out how to properly use Facebook for their marketing purposes.
The key to Facebook is using the platform’s tools to target the correct customers, and then developing content centered around what they would like to see. While gaining large amounts of likes and followers is fun, in reality, your practice will perform better in the long run with an established network of patients who come to you for advice. An ad for $15 off a one-time adjustment may bring new customers in, but it is the relationship you build with them that will make them come back.
Should You Use Twitter For Chiropractic Social Media Marketing?
Twitter is an excellent platform for creating an established line of communication with your following. Closing early next week? Tweet about it so your loyal patients know! While Twitter may not host its own marketplace like Facebook, Twitter has proven to be a platform where businesses can engage with their following.
Although Twitter may not be the site where your patients will be searching for their next chiropractor, it is a site that will enable your practice to put forth its values and display where it stands on various trending topics.
Chiropractors And Youtube – Should Consider It?
Yes! It’s no secret that YouTube is the most popular video-sharing platform online, which makes it the perfect platform for your chiropractic practice’s videos. Videos tend to keep viewers more engaged than traditional text, or a photo, so consider using YouTube as a place patients can visit to get your advice on various topics/procedures.
Remember, patients are more likely to give you their business if they feel you are a reliable source, and if they have an established relationship with your practice. When creating videos for your YouTube, consider creating content that your patients will enjoy and find useful.
Videos that focus on remedies patients can do at home, or videos that explain procedures will aid in potential patients trusting you, as well as help, grow your following. Adding exciting titles to your videos and using relevant keywords will help drive more viewers into clicking on your video.
Always add links to your official website and any other social media accounts you may have in your video’s description. Doing so will help improve your SEO, and will help carry over any viewers from YouTube to your website and practice.
Consider prioritizing quality over quantity when making videos for your chiropractic practice. You don’t have to upload hundreds of videos to be successful, simply focusing on the content provided and ensuring your audience will find it relevant will benefit you immensely.
Using Instagram For Marketing Your Chiropractor Practice
Instagram is quickly growing to be one of the preferred social media sites for businesses of all sorts. Though owned by Facebook, Instagram is unique to itself and relies mostly on visuals for content. Consider using Instagram as one of your many social media platforms to post about your practice, connect with potential patients, and communicate with your following.
Although people may not be flocking to Instagram to search for their next chiropractor, because Instagram is owned by Facebook, the platform shares the same data that makes it easy for your practice to find and connect with its ideal audience.
When creating content for your Instagram account, consider allowing personal touches to shine through instead of sounding like another advertisement. Always make sure photos and videos that are uploaded are of the highest quality. Implement the same techniques used for your YouTube videos for your Instagram videos, just make sure they’re shorter versions to help keep audience engagement high.

You might not know it, but posting pictures and videos with your patients is a sure-fire way to create exciting content your patients will love. Showing others your relationship with your patients and how you value them will help influence other patients into giving you their business.
Getting Started With Social Media Marketing
With fluctuating workday schedules and appointments, you may really find yourself too busy to put in the time required to effectively market your practice on social media. If you don’t have time to learn how to market on social media, consider using a social media auto-poster and scheduler for help.
Services like Practina automatically create schedules, and publish posts to all your social media platforms, ultimately saving you time by automating the process for you.
Practina is an automated social media software that removes the hassle of social media marketing for your chiropractic practice. Using artificial intelligence, Practina automates your practice’s social media posts, eliminating the time-consuming process of manually conceptualizing, creating, and uploading a post to each of your social networks.
With Practina, simply let the system know what you’d like your post to be about and who your target audience is, and Practina automatically begins creating and publishing posts across all your social networks — it’s that simple.
The Bottom Line
If your chiropractic practice isn’t using social media as a tool to market itself, you’ve already hindered your ability to grow. Consider using social media marketing as a way to connect with your ideal patients and as a tool for building lasting relationships with your audience.
If you find yourself too busy to master social media, consider services like Practina that automate the process for you.