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How often should you post on Facebook? Or How often should you post on Instagram? Is the ideal daily posting frequency the same across platforms? Let’s find out. 

For a business, its social media handles are like a group chat with all its potential customers aka followers where it can keep them updated and interested with all things it stands for and is up to. But you know how group chats work, right? If it goes too silent, people start to leave it, and if it gets too loud and spammy, it gets muted.

That’s also how social media postings work, you don’t want to ghost your audience, but you don’t want to spam them either. So, how much is too little, and how much is too much? In this blog, we’ll expound upon the ideal posting frequency for different platforms. 

Yes, that’s how it works – to each platform, its own ideal frequency. For instance, a follower might like to see a post or two from you on Instagram per week but might like to see a few quirky or even informative one-liners on Twitter a day.

Before we delve into the ideal posting frequency of each platform, here’s a quick, no-frills breakdown: 

Social Media PlatformIdeal Posting FrequencyFor Brownie Points
Facebook1 time per dayPost a balanced mix of promotional content, customer testimonials, and engaging questions to foster community and drive engagement.
Instagram1-2 times per dayFocus on high-quality visuals showcasing your products/services, customer stories, and behind-the-scenes content to maintain interest.
Twitter3-5 times per dayProvide quick updates, engage with customers, and share industry news. Frequent posting ensures visibility in the fast-paced Twitter feed.
LinkedIn1-2 times per weekShare professional insights, company updates, and industry trends. Focus on building your brand’s authority and professional network.
Pinterest3-5 times per dayPin content that showcases your products, tutorials, and tips. Pinterest is a great platform for driving long-term traffic to your website.
TikTok1-2 times per dayCreate engaging, trend-based content that highlights your business in a fun and creative way. Consistency is key to building a following.
YouTube1-2 times per weekPost high-quality videos, such as product tutorials, customer testimonials, or expert insights. Focus on consistent posting to grow your channel.
Snapchat1-2 times per dayShare behind-the-scenes content and real-time updates to build a personal connection with your audience.
Reddit1-2 times per dayEngage in relevant communities by sharing valuable content, answering questions, and contributing to discussions that relate to your industry.

This should give you a clearer understanding of how many post do businesses post on average a day, how often should you post on Linkedin, how often should a business post on Instagram, how often should you post on Facebook, and so on.

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Now, let’s go over the ideal daily posting frequency for each of these platforms one by one!

The OG: Facebook

Current Scene

Nothing can beat an original, and such is the case with Facebook. The OG, the face of ‘social media’, despite the fierce competition, continues to be among the most popular platforms. Especially among older generations. (No offense) With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook allows businesses to engage with their audience through a variety of content formats like posts, stories, and ads. As far as the ideal posting frequency goes, you should know that Facebook’s algorithm favors content that generates engagement, making it essential for businesses to post consistently and interact. Remember to not go overboard though.

How Often Should You Post On Facebook?

How Often Should You Post On Facebook?

Ideal Posting Frequency: 

Posts: not more than one per day

Stories: 3-5 times per week

And While You’re At It…

  • Don’t let your posts become redundant: Remember to post a balanced mix of content. For instance, if you post promotional content on day 1, try posting customer testimonials on day 2, and perhaps an engaging question on day 3. This keeps your audience engaged, interested, and doesn’t let them get bored of seeing your posts. 
  • Spend a little on the ads: Building an organic social presence is important, sure. But that doesn’t mean you can’t give your brand a little boost using ads. After all, ads offer a quicker way of increasing your visibility and reaching exactly those looking for your product or service. You can run and manage them easily using AI Ads.
  • Don’t let your customers feel like you’ve left them on read: If your audience comments on your posts, congratulations, you’ve done something right. But that’s not the end of it. Be sure to respond to all comments – positive and negative – to foster meaningful interactions and relationships. You can use Practina’s Reputation AI to do so, here’s how!

The Aesthetic One: Instagram

Current Scene

Instagram is definitely like the favorite second child that stole the thunder. It continues to dominate the visual content space with over 1 billion monthly active users. Younger generations, especially GenZ, are borderline addicted to the app. And as a result, it has crazy high engagement rates. But with the vast amount of content that is uploaded on Instagram EVERY SECOND, standing out, especially as a business, requires a faultless strategy and posting schedule. 

How Often Should A Business Post On Instagram?

How Often Should A Business Post On Instagram?

Ideal Posting Frequency: 

Stories: 5-10 times per week

Posts: 1-2 posts per day

And While You’re At It…

  • The trick lies in the aesthetics: Right from maintaining a cohesive grid to using high-quality images that align with your brand’s identity, be sure to prioritize visual aesthetics over everything.
  • Hashtags are Your Friends: Don’t underestimate the power of hashtags. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags to boost your posts’ discoverability. This strategy helps you reach a broader yet targeted audience, making your content more likely to be seen by those who matter.
  • Engagement is Key: Just knowing the answer to ‘how often should you post on Instagram’ isn’t enough—it’s about building relationships. Interact with your followers through stories, polls, and DMs. This kind of engagement not only fosters loyalty but also encourages more interaction with your content, which Instagram’s algorithm loves.


Current Scene

Twitter remains a fast-paced platform where real-time updates and conversations dominate. With over 330 million active users, it’s an ideal platform for sharing news, updates, and engaging with followers. However, the rapid flow of information means that posts can quickly get buried, making frequent posting necessary to maintain visibility.

What Are the Best Preset Twitter Post Times?

Ideal Posting Frequency:

Posts: 3-5 times per day

Stories: N/A

And While You’re At It…

  • Keep it Short and Witty: Twitter’s character limit requires brevity. Craft sharp, attention-grabbing tweets that encourage retweets and engagement.
  • Use Threads: For longer content, use Twitter threads to provide more in-depth information while keeping each tweet concise and impactful.
  • Engage in Conversations: Participate in trending topics and hashtags relevant to your industry to increase visibility and establish your brand as a thought leader.


Current Scene

LinkedIn is the premier platform for professionals, with over 774 million users. It’s particularly effective for B2B marketing, networking, and establishing thought leadership. LinkedIn’s audience expects valuable, industry-specific content that enhances professional development or offers business insights.

How Often Should You Post On LinkedIn?

How Often Should You Post On LinkedIn?

Ideal Posting Frequency:

  • Posts: 1-2 times per week
  • Stories: 2-3 times per week

And While You’re At It…

  • Share Insights: Post thought leadership content, such as articles, whitepapers, and case studies, to establish your brand’s authority in the industry.
  • Leverage LinkedIn Groups: Engage in LinkedIn Groups to network with like-minded professionals and share your content with a targeted audience.
  • Optimize for Engagement: Encourage interactions by asking questions, inviting comments, or including calls to action in your posts.


Current Scene

Pinterest is a visually-driven platform with over 450 million active users, known for its ability to drive long-term traffic. It’s particularly effective for businesses in the fashion, food, home decor, and DIY industries. Pinterest users actively seek inspiration and ideas, making it an excellent platform for brands to showcase their products and services.

How Often to Post on Social Media Platform Pinterest

How Often to Post on Social Media Platform Pinterest?

Ideal Posting Frequency:

  • Posts: 3-5 times per day
  • Stories: N/A

And While You’re At It…

  • Create High-Quality Pins: Ensure your pins are visually appealing and properly sized. Use bold images, clear text, and attractive colors to stand out.
  • Use Keywords Wisely: Incorporate relevant keywords in your pin descriptions and titles to improve searchability and attract more followers.
  • Organize Boards Effectively: Group your pins into themed boards to make it easier for users to navigate your content and discover new ideas.


Current Scene

TikTok has exploded in popularity, with over 1 billion monthly active users, particularly among younger audiences. The platform is driven by short, creative videos, often incorporating trending sounds, challenges, and hashtags. TikTok’s algorithm rewards content that is engaging, creative, and aligns with current trends, making it a powerful tool for businesses aiming to reach a wider audience quickly.

How Often to Post on Social Media Platform TikTok?

Ideal Posting Frequency:

  • Posts: 1-2 times per day
  • Stories: N/A

And While You’re At It…

  • Stay on Trend: Use trending sounds and participate in challenges to increase the likelihood of your videos being featured on the For You Page (FYP).
  • Keep it Authentic: TikTok users appreciate authenticity. Focus on creating relatable content that aligns with your brand voice and resonates with your audience.
  • Engage with Your Community: Respond to comments, collaborate with influencers, and engage with user-generated content to foster a sense of community.


Current Scene

YouTube remains the leading video-sharing platform, with over 2 billion logged-in monthly users. It’s a go-to platform for educational content, tutorials, product reviews, and entertainment. YouTube’s algorithm favors consistent posting and videos that keep viewers engaged, making it essential for brands to produce high-quality, value-driven content.

How Often to Post on Social Media Platform YouTube

How Often to Post on Social Media Platform YouTube?

Ideal Posting Frequency:

  • Stories: N/A (YouTube Stories are less utilized but can be posted 1-2 times per week if applicable)
  • Posts: 1-2 times per week

And While You’re At It…

  • Focus on Quality: Invest in good video production to create professional and engaging content. High-quality videos are more likely to retain viewers and encourage subscriptions.
  • Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve visibility in YouTube search results.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe. Respond to comments to build a community around your channel.


Current Scene

Snapchat, with over 500 million monthly active users, is popular for its ephemeral content and real-time updates. It’s particularly favored by younger demographics for its casual and playful nature. Brands can use Snapchat to offer behind-the-scenes content, flash sales, and interactive experiences.

How Often to Post on Social Media Platform Snapchat?

How Often to Post on Social Media Platform Snapchat?

Ideal Posting Frequency:

  • Posts: 1-2 times per day
  • Stories: 3-5 times per week

And While You’re At It…

  • Be Spontaneous: Snapchat’s temporary content format encourages spontaneity. Share real-time updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses to keep your audience engaged.
  • Use Geofilters and Lenses: Create custom geofilters and lenses that align with your brand to increase engagement and reach.
  • Leverage Snap Ads: Utilize Snapchat’s ad platform to target specific audiences and promote your products or services effectively.


Current Scene

Reddit is a unique platform with over 430 million monthly active users, known for its diverse communities and in-depth discussions. It’s a valuable platform for brands looking to engage with niche audiences and gain insights into specific topics or industries. However, Reddit users are highly skeptical of overt marketing, so authenticity and value are critical.

How Many Post Do Businesses Post on Average a Day On Reddit?

How Many Post Do Businesses Post on Average a Day On Reddit?

Ideal Posting Frequency:

  • Posts: 1-2 times per day
  • Stories: N/A

And While You’re At It…

  • Engage Authentically: Participate in discussions by providing valuable insights and answering questions. Avoid overly promotional content, as Reddit users value authenticity.
  • Target Relevant Subreddits: Identify and engage with subreddits that align with your industry or target audience to share your content with the right people.
  • Host AMAs (Ask Me Anything): Consider hosting an AMA to directly engage with the Reddit community and share your expertise in an interactive format.

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How Do You Keep Up With The Ideal Daily Posting Frequency?

Creating even a platform-specific daily posting is a time-consuming process. And now that you know how many post do businesses post on average a day, you know how imperative it is to maintain the ideal posting frequency!  And it can be overbearing, especially when you’re already juggling endless tasks as a business owner. Each post demands significant effort, from brainstorming and designing to scheduling and monitoring.

Take for Instance, the Estimated Time to Create ONE INSTAGRAM POST:

Total Time: Simple Post: 1.25 – 2.5 hours

Complex Post/Campaign: 4.5 – 12 hours

Now, Imagine if It Took Only a Few Minutes…

Yes, through automation, it’s possible. Picture this: instead of spending hours brainstorming, writing, designing, and scheduling your posts, you could streamline the entire process in just a few minutes. Social media Automation tools can handle everything from generating captivating ideas to crafting engaging copy and designing eye-catching visuals. 

And It Doesn’t Stop There

You can also schedule your posts at optimal times across multiple platforms, ensuring your content is consistent and timely. By leveraging automation, you not only save precious time but also boost efficiency, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – engaging with your audience and growing your brand.

How Can Automation Help In Your Daily Postings?

  • Set It and Forget It: Automate posts and watch your social media gain more traction than ever.
  • Maintain the Ideal Posting Frequency: Keep your daily posting schedule up to date and your customers engaged without any stress—automation’s got your back.
  • Post Like a Pro: Timing is everything; let automation do the scheduling and posting for maximum impact.
  • Work Smarter, Not Harder: Automate content and save your brainpower for brainstorming brilliant ideas.
  • Expand Your Reach: Let automation do the heavy lifting and get your message out while you do more creative and fun stuff.

When Considering Social Media Automation What Factors To Consider

It’s essential to make an informed decision when it comes to the tools or platforms you choose. After all, it’s a matter of your brand’s image and reputation. Here are key factors to prioritize:

Accuracy of the Content GeneratedHigh
Quality of the ImagesHigh
Freedom of CustomizationMedium
Cost-Effectiveness and PricingMedium
Support and Frequency of UpdatesMedium

By focusing on these factors, you can ensure that the automation tool you choose aligns well with your marketing goals.

Why Choose Practina AI Posts For Your Daily Postings?

Generate relevant, accurate, and industry-specific posts for social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google in minutes. Answer a few questions, share details about your business, and generate AI posts tailored to your business’s tone and personality that resonate with your audience. Choose from the AI recommendations, tweak a little if you think necessary, and hit publish!

In short, Practina does all the tasks for you!

TaskWhat It Entails
CopyMain text content of the social media post.
CaptionAdditional text content to accompany the post.
HashtagsRelevant hashtags to accompany the post.
Design TemplateTemplates for the visual layout of the post.
ImageOption to include images in the generated post.

You can also include your business details — such as business name, email, and phone number—in your AI post descriptions. This not only allows you to personalize your content but also helps increase your recall value.

Practina’s capabilities extend far beyond quality content generation, encompassing auto-scheduling & posting. So, not only can you create content for multiple social channels, but also schedule them weeks in advance with just a few clicks. Practina leverages its AI capabilities to help you identify the ideal time for posting on each social media platform. That’s not all with the drag-and-drop option in Practina’s planner, tweaking your posting strategy is as easy as it gets.


Nailing the right posting frequency is crucial for keeping your audience engaged without overwhelming them. Each platform has its own criteria, and finding that balance is imperative to staying relevant. While managing this can be tough, tools like Practina make it easier. With AI-driven content creation and scheduling, Practina helps you maintain consistency without the stress. 

The choice is simple

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